Connecting to yourself is the greatest gift. When we allow ourselves to slow down, tap into our power, we can share our gifts with others. When we know our value; abundance, love, and fulfillment show up in our lives. Not the needs or expectations of others, but OUR own passion and love for things. Remember, everything you need is already inside you.

I used to be paralyzed with self-doubt and fear. I cared so much about what others thought about me, what I was posting on my social media (was I being too transparent? Too vulnerable? Not enough? Did people care about what I was sharing?) But when I made the decision to stop looking outside myself for validation, I realized I was the one standing in my own way. Once I recognized my value and learned to love myself fully, I was able to follow my intuition, shift my mindset and follow my true purpose. I am grateful I did this work because I am now able to share my gifts and build relationships with so many incredible women, coaching them and inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves. Had I let my fears and self-doubt own me, I wouldn't be here doing what I know I was meant to do! ✨ Here’s your reminder to be YOU! You are enough ❤️

Sandrine Cassis