I’ll be the first to admit, starting a new lifestyle is scary AF and invites a lot of question marks and self-doubt.

I remember when I first started my self-love and health journey I had a million thoughts circling my head. 

Where do I even start?

What equipment do I need? 

How do I become more positive? 

Is my form good? 

Am I ever going to feel good in my body? 

What's going to happen to me over time? 

Is this going to work?

How am I going to maintain all of this?

Is it possible for ME to reach my goals?


Then… you find yourself NEVER starting. 

Trust me, I know. I pushed back my start date my entire life until enough was enough. 

I was imprisoned by "perfectionism”. I was paralyzed because of my fear of not being perfect in my new habits. 

Ironic isn’t it? You fear not being perfect in trying something new, so you stay in your comfort of misery? Why do we hold ourselves to such high standards? Perfect doesn’t exist and no one is “perfect” at trying anything new…

Yet here we are, living in fear thinking we’re not enough and that we have to earn love and approval of others or even ourselves by living up to unrealistic expectations. 

So WTF do you do and how do you start!? 

All I can say is “baby steps". Focus on today. Focus on the present moment. Allow yourself to be guided by your inner desire to create the life you want. One day and one step at a time leads to HUGE transformation. So, my darling, do the best you can. This is not about being perfect, but about showing up for yourself every single day. 

You have the power to create the life you want and deserve. Sometimes, the fear of the unknown stands in our way and what we desire so badly. But now is the time to step out of your comfort zone and take hold of the steering wheel of your life. Your dreams can seem unreachable, but if you take one step at a time, I guarantee, you will arrive at your destination.

Trust the process. 


  • Baby steps.

  • Be gentle with yourself.

  • Be OK with making mistakes.

  • Progress > Perfection

  • Release judgment.

  • Celebrate small wins.

  • Be patient.

  • Consistency.

  • Commit to your HEALTH.

  • Talk gently to yourself as you would to a child or your best friend. BE YOUR OWN BFF <3




Sandrine Cassis