Replace “ !@#$% I’m never going to lose weight. I’m never going feel good in my body. What the hell is all this talk about self-love anyway?” with…

  • “I’m working towards my health goals because I choose to show up daily for myself. I’ve taken the first few steps and I am proud of myself for starting my journey.”

  • “I choose to trust the process. This journey is not linear, and although I’m not where I want to be today, I’m creating the life I want, day after day. I just have to keep showing up.”

  • “I have the power to choose. I choose to shift my mindset and focus on the positive results I will achieve because of my daily actions and choices. I am getting closer and closer to where I want to be.”

  • “I will not allow my mind, my insecurities to run the show. I am doing the best I can.”

  • “I am worthy of my goals, my desires, my dreams. And I’m going to achieve all that I want.”

Mindset is so powerful. Our belief system, AKA our subconscious thoughts is what runs 95% of our lives. And when you have limiting beliefs about yourself, have you noticed how all your actions feed that belief?  

Imagine a life where you don’t always second guess yourself, talk down to yourself, beat yourself up for  “failing” or “messing up” and feeling like everything you do is wrong?

Change and transformation starts with awareness and noticing these beliefs. You have the power to shift your life. 

I know how daunting and discouraging it can be to be so far away from your desired body goals, but when you shift your perspective, you can create a beautiful relationship to yourself. When you put yourself FIRST, you will without a doubt, reach your goals and they will be long lasting. It’s a lifestyle, not a crash diet. 

When you learn to be gentle with yourself, honour the ups and downs, accept the light and the dark, the ebbs and flows of the journey, you can shift your energy and allow the process to be smooth sailing.  

By speaking affirmations, and reprogramming your subconscious beliefs, you will attract and create the life you want!

What are you waiting for?

Start your mornings with my Empowered Fitness Ritual and get EMPOWERED AF! Let’s leave those limiting beliefs behind, and reach your goals in just 20 minutes a day! 

Sandrine Cassis