Counting your steps is the perfect way to start your body + mindset transformation. Not only does it promote a healthy heart, but it helps clear your mind, reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. It really is the perfect way to stay active without pushing your body too hard and a great addition to ANY workout regime.

I’ve received a lot of questions recently on Instagram about how I stay motivated to get my 10k steps a day.

So, here are a few ideas, tip and trick to keep you motivated:

  • Take a walk with a friend or your partner (can just be an accountability partner)

  • Listen to an audio book while you walk/run

  • Listen to a podcast (when you walk, you actually retain the information you’re listening to better)

  • Write notes after some self-reflection on your walk

  • Remember how good your body feels after a nice brisk walk

I have to give thanks to my boyfriend for keeping me motivated and being my accountability partner. Sometimes we just walk in silence, side by side, but just the presence of someone else is all it takes sometimes to keep you motivated! So grab a friend, and get your steps in! 

Ps: Start your journey by setting up small goals. Start with 5000 steps a day and increase your step count each week. Make the process fun!